As you probably know, we’re passionate about sustainable building. More and more of our clients are becoming passionate, too. One of the easiest ways to begin is to see what can be reused from your existing home. If you’re building a new sustainable home, for instance, you can look to a variety of sources for materials that can be repurposed to save new resources from being used and to save money as well.

Here are just a few ideas for using recycling materials to incorporate sustainable building into your project:

  • Old doors, cabinets, beams and floorboards can often be put to wonderful new uses. Even the lumber from an older home’s framework can be salvaged to use in building the new structure. This sustainable-building idea saves trees and reduces the carbon-footprint impact of buying newly milled wood.
  • Once you’ve looked at what can be re-used from your existing home, check out other sources to see what might be available that’s been salvaged or left over from projects for other homes. For instance, you may be able to find everything from mantels to hardwood flooring. A countertop supplier, for example, might have remnants of stone or quartz countertops left over from a kitchen project. They might be too small to use in your own new kitchen, but they might be an ideal fit for small projects such as a bathroom countertop or backsplash. Often, remnants like this are available at a lower cost, too!
  • Recycled glass is another great material to use in sustainable building. For example, tiles made from recycled glass can not only add beauty and sparkle to a room, they can also be a more eco-friendly choice than ceramic tiles.

Again, these are just a few ideas, and recycling is just one aspect of sustainable building. We’re one of the few area contractors who have quite a lot of experience in sustainability. Talk with us and we think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how easy – and creative – it can be to incorporate sustainable building techniques and materials into you’re a beautiful new home or remodeling project.

Check out our website to find out more about our sustainable building services!

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