One of the best pieces of news we can share for the beginning of 2023 is that as of January 1, BPC Green Builders is officially a worker-owned cooperative. Our founders, Mike and Chris Trolle, have been working with the entire BPC team toward this change for some time. We’re incredibly proud of the steps we were able to take to secure our company’s standing in our local community and to continue to be able to thrive and build our business in the best, most sustainable way for the entire company moving forward.

So what exactly is a worker-owned cooperative, and what does it mean for customers who are considering working with us?

What Is a Worker-Owned Cooperative?

The main objective of a worker cooperative is for the workers to own and self-manage the business. It is a “one person, one vote” system where business decisions are made democratically and everyone has more of a say in the company’s operations.

Worker cooperatives are on the rise: According to the latest census from the United States Federation of Worker Cooperatives, there are more than 600 worker co-ops in the United States, and the number has grown by 30% between 2019 and 2021.

Why Work with a Worker-Owned Cooperative?

Worker co-ops foster a better work-life balance and give everyone at the company an equal stake in the conversation. For clients and customers, the benefits of a worker-cooperative business include teaming up with a company that is values-driven and is invested not just in profitability but responsible business ownership and equality. 

Worker co-ops support local community development, and the cooperative model offers opportunities to divert money into sustainable industry initiatives and addressing inequality. In our case, BPC Green Builders hopes to continue to support the sustainable building and energy efficiency industries and to invest in organizations that support affordable housing, trades education, at risk communities and the environment.

The entire BPC Green Builders team is proud of the company we work for, and it’s important to us that our clients feel good about choosing us as their custom green home builder. Becoming a worker-owned cooperative is just one more step in the right direction.

Reach Out to BPC Green Builders for Your Green Building Project 

As a worker-owned net zero home builder, BPC Green Builders’ founders are ensuring that the business will continue to thrive after their tenures. We hope that our news will also serve as a model within the green home contractor community for other businesses around the country who are considering moving to employee ownership as well.

Learn more about what sets BPC Green Builders Apart. Call (203) 563-9909 or contact us today.

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