Ridgefield “Net-Zero” House Powered Fully by the Sun
NewsTimes, Feburary 23, 2017
This article about a sustainable Net0-Zero Energy home built by BPC Green Builders and designed by Trillium Architects starts:
“After nearly a year in their new home, the Ranades haven’t had to pay a nickel for the energy needed to run it.
That’s because all the electricity needed to heat, cool and power the 2,500 square-foot home comes from the 32 solar panels installed on the roof.
The panels, which generate 11.5 kilowatts of electricity, are just one feature of the “net-zero” house, which was recently featured in the CT Zero Energy Challenge, which is sponsored by Energize CT, an initiative of the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund, the Connecticut Green Bank, the state and various energy companies.
The energy-efficient features are all but invisible in a home characterized by its open layout, abundant natural light and vibrant paintings adorning the walls.
“It’s very tranquil,” said Kishore Ranade. “The open space brings the outside in.”
Large windows in the living room showcase the sprawling hill and woods in the back yard. The windows also provide beautiful views of the sunsets.”
The article also includes:
“They turned to Mike Trolle, a principal at BPC Green Builders, and learned that it made more financial sense to completely rebuild, adding the energy-efficient features they wanted. ‘Generally, with the way the energy costs are going up in Connecticut especially, and the costs to build a green home have gone down, it made sense,’ said Kishore Ranade.”
Read the complete article in the NewsTimes…
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